I may use the first few entries to describe my career reboot (or–gulp!–lack thereof).
I was going to use this blog only to give tips and tricks, and perhaps wax passionately about digital vs. print production, but I may use the first few entries to describe my career reboot (or–gulp!–lack thereof).
As I have been announcing my decision to various groups of people I’ve been interested in their responses. Most have expressed their approval and have wished me luck. No one has yet said, “NOOOOoooooooo! How will we get along without you?!” [I really would have liked to hear that last response.] Most have said, “What will you do next?” Nobody said, “Come work for us!” [I must admit, I thought someone would.] (Are you listening, Adobe?)
So, please join me as I explore the brave new world of digital publishing, whether I end up going it alone or joining a new firm. I will share my resume iterations, the various boards I post on, the tips I get from my job coaches, my rejections, and my triumphs.